Monday, October 20, 2008

a jar of broken molasses...what?!

two months on the road and only four days at home throughout those two months have left me brain dead. i feel drained. tired. worn. i feel like the jar of molasses that broke on our bus floor a few days ago. randy,our drummer, opened a cabinet and out fell a jar of pure molasses. ever seen a jar of molasses fall and break? its a lot different than other glass breaking. it hits the tile floor with a "THUD" ! the glass sticks to the molasses, doesnt go far at all...the molasses slooooooooowly takes the shape of where ever it happend to took no energy to fall. it just fell with gravity, broke, and slowly oozed and conformed to whatever spot it happened to land in...thats how i a broken jar of molasses oozing and conforming to the most comfortable spot i can find.

anyway, i'll do real update later this week...


the willards said...

you have no idea how much i miss you right now.... i know it's only been a couple of days and you'll have lots of time off this winter, but i miss you.... like crazy.

you are the love of my life

the willards said...

i think you should update this... i like reading what you write, even though we talk every day. =)